TASTE AWARDS Finalists are selected from nomination submissions by the ACADEMY OF MEDIA TASTEMAKERS, a diverse and respected association of food & wine editors, writers and bloggers, chefs, fashion journalists, television producers and stations, online video platforms, mobile device providers, retail and technology enterprises, previous award recipients, and others. The TASTE AWARDS are the highest awards […]
SFA Gravy Podcast Seeks Barbecue Stories!
A production of the Southern Foodways Alliance, Gravy podcast tells stories of the changing American South. Until March 15, we are accepting pitches for single episodes on the topic of barbecue. Gravy reporter-producers should be capable of delivering a finished, twenty-minute episode following Gravy‘s narrative format. (This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to report and gather […]
Adrian Miller to Receive Prestigious Friends of SMU Libraries Award!
Adrian Miller will receive the 12th Annual Literati Award from the Friends of the Southern Methodist University Libraries! The Literati Award honors “an individual who uses the written word to advance the ideals of creativity, conviction, innovation and scholarship and who have had a significant impact on culture and the community through their work.” Miller will receive […]
Adrian Miller Discusses New Year’s Day and Black-eyed Peas on NPR’s “Weekend Edition”
Happy New Year! In case you missed it, here’s my interview on National Public Radio’s “Weekend Edition.” We had a fun chat about New Year’s Day and eating black-eyed peas for good luck or coins. Here’s the interview: No New Year’s celebration is complete without black-eyed peas : NPR