Thanks to Micah Smith for interviewing me about the current trends in soul food. This segment is part of Denver Channel 7’s on-going tribute to Black History Month. Here’s a link to the full article. Enjoy!
Reader Interactions
Joy Flynt
Hello Adrian,
Feb. 9,2019 at the meet and greet in the home of Curtis Green, I was very impressed and enjoyed your presentation of the history with in your cook books.
Cook books I do not buy, BUT you sold me on the history of the Presidents cooks also the history and heritage tied into soul food.
I would like to purchase two books of the President’s Kitchen Cabinet with a personal autograph to me and a friend. (paperback are fine)
Hello Adrian,
Feb. 9,2019 at the meet and greet in the home of Curtis Green, I was very impressed and enjoyed your presentation of the history with in your cook books.
Cook books I do not buy, BUT you sold me on the history of the Presidents cooks also the history and heritage tied into soul food.
I would like to purchase two books of the President’s Kitchen Cabinet with a personal autograph to me and a friend. (paperback are fine)
Joy, I am so sorry that I didn’t reply to this post when you sent. It was with a bunch of spam, and I’m now seeing it. I will email you.