Check out this article that I wrote on the history of sweet potato pie and how it became a soul food fave for Thanksgiving. Unlike you would do with a good sweet potato pie, please share!
Soul Food Beauty Products
Get Full on Love While Emptying Your Bank Account! Black-eyed Pea Shadow—put this on ladies and you won’t have to wait until January 1st to get lucky! Cornbread Cleanser—use the scrubbing power of waterground cornmeal to get dirt out of those hard-to-reach places. Use with our patented cornbread sponge, and you’ll ask yourself “Hominy ways […]
Another “Angle” on Barbecue
When I think about traditional barbecue as practiced by Native Americans, I picture smaller cuts of meat being smoked on a raised framework over a slow fire, or large chunks of meat wrapped up and cooked in trenches filled with burning hardwood coals. History has shown me that some Native Americans had a third way […]